1726 John Watson (1685-1768). Thysje (Mrs James Henderson) with Margaret, Tessie and James II.
1729 John Smibert (1688-1751). Mrs Francis Brinley & son Francis. The Metropolitan Museum of Art tells us that Deborah Lyde, Mrs. Francis Brinley (1698–1761) was the daughter of Edward & Catherine Lyde.. When she married Francis Brinley in 1718, she was a woman of wealth & social prominence. An entry in Smibert's notebook dated May 1729, identifies the infant as the Brinley's son Francis (1729–1816). Mrs. Brinley holds a sprig of orange blossoms, a gesture which may have been taken from an 18C print by Sir Peter Lely. The white orange blossom symbolizes both marriage & purity, while the fruit, a sign of fertility, emphasizes Mrs. Brinley's role as a mother. Orange trees, although fashionable in Europe, were expensive rarities in the colonies. The presence of one here reinforces the sitter's wealth.
1693 Mezzotint by John Smith (1652-1743) after Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Duchess of Ormonde and Earl of Ossory. (English mezzotint as the basis for the painting below.)
1730s Charles Bridges (1670-1747). Alice Grymes (Mrs. Mann Page II) and child. College of William & Mary.
1730s Charles Bridges (1670-1747). Mrs. Ludwell & Children.
1732 John Smibert (1688-1751). Mary Fitch (Mrs. Andrew Oliver) & son Andrew.
1741 Pieter Vanderlyn (1687-1778). Mrs. Myndert Myndertse Jannetje Persen & Sara Terra.
1750 Charles Bridges (1670-1747). Mrs Augustine Moore.
1753-54 John Wollaston (fl 1736-1767). Mrs Daniel Carroll II (1731-1763) & Daniel Carroll 1752-1790.
1755 Unknown Artist Mother and Child.
1757 John Hesselius Mrs Matthew Tiglman Anna Lloyd & dau Anna Maria (Mrs. Matthew Tiglman.)
1757 John Singleton Copley (1737-1815) Mrs Daniel Rea and Child.
1760 Joseph Blackburn (fl in the colonies 1754-1763). Mrs Isaac Winslow and Hannah.
1763 William Johnston (1732-1772). Mrs Jacob Hurd & Child.
1770 John Durand (fl 1765-1782). Martha Tucker (Mrs. Thomas Newton II).
1772 Winthrop Chandler (1747-1785). Eunice Huntington Devotion.
1773 Matthew Pratt (1734-1805). Elizabeth Gay (Mrs. Thomas Bolling) with twins Sarah & Ann.
1786 Robert Edge Pine (1720-30-1788) Dorcas Spear (Mrs. William Patterson) and Child.
1787 Christian Gullager (1759-1826) Sarah Greenleaf Mrs Oflin Boardman & Child.
1791 Charles Peale Polk (1767-1822) Mary Hawkworth Riddell and daughter Agnes.
1795 Joseph Steward (1753-1822) Pamela Sedgwick (1753-1807) of Stockbridge MA.
1798 Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Elizabeth Corbin (Mrs. Griffin Gatliff) & Daughter Elizabeth.
1799 Artist Bouche. (in Baltimore in 1795). Ann Ogle (Mrs. John Tayloe III) and daughters Rebecca and Henrietta.
1799 Charles Peale Polk (1767-1822) Eleanor Conway Hite and Son, James Madison Hite.
1799 John Brewster Jr. (1766-1854) Lucy Knapp Mygatt and Her Son George.

1799 Joshua Johnson (1763-1826) Ellen North (Mrs. John Moale) and Ellen.
1800 Richard Brunton (1750-1832) Mrs Reuben Humphreys of East Granby, Connecticut. Richard Brunton is believed to have deserted from the British army during the Revolution. Brunton was also an engraver of silver, bookplates & textile printing. He served jail time several times for counterfeiting & died in the Groton Poor House on September 8, 1832.)